Hey there!
I'm Meg – a nurse, a mum, and the driving force behind Nurse Life.
My nursing adventure kicked off in the fast-paced world of relief nursing at a tertiary teaching hospital. I've touched countless facets – from medical and surgical to geriatrics, mental health, pediatrics, oncology, and more. Along the way, my maternity leave led me to a master's in nursing education, propelling me into the role of a nurse educator on an acute geriatric ward – a role I've embraced wholeheartedly.
Today, I'm a clinical nurse manager in a specialised geriatric rapid acute care evaluation (GRACE) team, fueling my passion for quality care for our most vulnerable community members. Empowering nurses to excel is my mission, and the Nurse Life Blog is a stage where I spotlight incredible nursing journeys. This blog honours nurses who've ventured into diverse roles, sharing their stories of resilience and triumph.
Join me in celebrating the limitless avenues of nursing through the Nurse Life Blog. It's an ode to the remarkable potential of nursing and an invitation to explore its boundless horizons. Let's embark on this inspiring voyage together!

Join the Community!
Welcome to our vibrant community, where we unite as a force of inspiration and empowerment for nurses everywhere. We are more than just a store and blog – we are a collective dedicated to igniting passion, fostering growth, and celebrating the incredible journey of nursing. Join us as we dive into the depths of knowledge, engage in meaningful discussions, and embrace the exhilarating highs and challenging lows that come with this noble profession. Together, we will thrive and make a difference in the world of nursing.