Hi Puiyee, Thanks for agreeing to chat with me! Can I start out by asking which state you are from, what year you graduated and whether you are RN or EN?
I am from SA, I graduated in 2020. And I am a RN
Awesome! So when you graduated did you apply for any grad programs?
I did apply all the TTPP in public hospitals and some of the private ones… but I am an international student and I understand that I only have a slim chance to get an interview!
Why do you say that being an international student affects your chances?
There is already not enough spots for locals and when I applied for the TTPP, the program stated their priority and international student are in the last priority
Oh wow! How did that make you feel when we are told how important a grad program is?
I already knew this when I was in year 1. I felt devastated at first but I know there is nothing we can do expect keep trying. I told myself that at least I have tried to apply it, no regrets
That is a great attitude to have. So what have you done instead?
I got hired by an agency as a full time aged care agency rn and this is my 8th month working, very grateful of the opportunity! And I recently had an interview with one of the aged care Facility. Now waiting for their instructions for pre employment (just did crime check and reference check).
Oh great! How have you found the support to you as a new nurse?
I got 5 buddy shifts and after that I start working in different aged care Facility. But I think as an agency, it tries to provide us training as much as possible. I basically learned by myself through work, ask other RNs or ENs when I am unsure
And how has that process been for you? Trying to find your feet.
It is difficult but doable. I always bring a notebook and write down all the important stuff. For example, all the common medications, procedures and policies. And I will ask senior rn how they manage some of the clinical scenario which I may experience in future. I spent around 2 months to familiar with the job.
Amazing! And if you could say one thing to those students or new grads who are nervous about the future what would it be?
Don’t worry if you can’t get a grad program. It’s not the end of the world there are always opportunities out there to explore. It might be hard to get started but eventually you will get there.
Thank you so much for sharing
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